The Archaeological Automobile

Understanding and Living with Historical Automobiles
In the last one hundred years, cars have shaped our lives. Other everyday cultural artifacts, such as watches, telephones, musical instruments, and televisions, have certainly had influence, but the car is by far the most significant. Now, change is coming for the car, as it is for so many other industrial artifacts. Once, cars were distinct machines. Now, they are evolving into multifunctional digital devices. New fuels, new modes of travel, and new technologies are disrupting the traditional role of the much-loved family car.

About the Author
Miles C. Collier has spent a lifetime in cars. An ex-race car driver, from a family of car lovers, he has spent what he calls many “grubby-fingered” hours fixing and restoring historical automobiles, and thousands more driving a broad array of them. He is a firm advocate of the automobile as the most important technological artifact of the 20th century. He is the founder of Revs Institute®, regarded as one of the greatest repositories of automobile resources in the world. It houses a collection of over 100 historical, exceptional automobiles and has an extensive archive. Miles C. Collier believes in building lasting cultural legacies that can be used and interpreted to inform generations to come. The Archaeological Automobile is his first book devoted to doing just that: it is a legacy resource that assigns the car its rightful place at the cultural center of the contemporary world.
Donald Osborne, ASA CEO Audrain Group
This book is full of examples of why more of us should take a moment to dig just a bit deeper, spend some time in honest deliberation and truly examine with an open mind what we observe.Donald Osborne, ASA CEO Audrain Group
McKeel Hagerty Chief Executive Officer, Hagerty
Miles C. Collier both pioneers and champions the case that automobiles, and all that surrounds them, deserve rigorous study, like works of art.McKeel Hagerty Chief Executive Officer, Hagerty
David Gooding President, Gooding & Company
A must-read for anyone with a serious interest in the collector car industry.David Gooding President, Gooding & Company
The Duke of Richmond and Gordon Founder, Goodwood Festival of Speed, Goodwood Revival
From absolutely the most authentic and deepest-thinking of life long ‘car guys,’ this meticulously researched book is a must-have for everyone concerned about the identity and the future of the truly historic automobile.The Duke of Richmond and Gordon Founder, Goodwood Festival of Speed, Goodwood Revival